1. Test facilities and auxiliary devices.

The device for determining the impact resistance must meet the following requirements:

— radius of the spherical surface of the striker — (25 ± 0.5) mm;

— weight of the striker — (1000 ±5) g;

— the height of the drop of the striker (1500 ± 10) mm;

— the distance between the supports is (200 ±1) mm.

1 — sample; 2 — pipe with internal diameter (50+1) mm; 3 — firing pin; 4 — tripod;

5 — support; 6 — foundation

Diagram of the device for determining the resistance of profiles to impact

2. The test is carried out on ten samples with a length of (300 ± 2) mm.

Tests of window sills are carried out on samples of the profile of the board with a length of (100 ± 2) mm.

3. Prior to testing, samples of conventional profiles are kept in a refrigerator at a temperature of minus (10 ± 1) ° C, and samples of frost—resistant profiles – minus (20 ± 1) ° C for at least 1 hour.

Samples of window sill profiles are kept at a temperature of (6 ± 3) ° C.

The remaining test conditions of window sills are similar to the test conditions of the main profiles.

4. The procedure for conducting the test.

The sample is removed from the refrigerating chamber and placed on supports in such a way that the surface of the profile operating in operational conditions outside the building is subjected to the test.

The profile should be positioned in such a way that the strike of the striker falls in the middle of the chamber.

The tests are carried out no later than 10 seconds after the sample is removed from the refrigerating chamber.

The firing pin is raised and installed at a height of 1500 mm with the help of a locking screw. Then the firing pin is released, which falls freely on the sample through the pipe. After impact, the firing pin is lifted, the sample is removed and visually examined.

When testing window sills, the height of the drop of the striker is allowed to be set 700 mm.

5. Processing the results.

The sample is considered to have passed the test if, during visual inspection, cracks, destructions, and peeling of the finishing coating are not found on its surface. Dents on the surface of the sample are allowed at the point of impact.

The test result is considered satisfactory if at least nine out of ten tested samples have passed the tests.